There have been few new arrivals in the supercar genre in recent years, yet Koenigsegg certainly moved the goalposts. The Swedish company made great waves when, in 2002, it presented the world with the quite stunning CC8S, and established itself as a major player with the arrival of the CCX in 2006.

Not a country known for supercars, Sweden has nevertheless a long history of automobile production – notably the stalwart Volvo brand and the now-defunct Saab – so the world was not ready for Koenigsegg. The company is now established among the leaders in its field, with the magnificent Agera widely recognised as one of the most capable and impressive hypercars on the market.

Annual Tour

Koenigsegg takes great pride in its customer service, and has organised its ‘owners tour’ for a number of years. Now renamed the ‘Ghost Squadron’, this wonderful gathering of Koenigsegg cars and owners is a great event, and the 2018 edition saw no fewer than 16 Koenigseggs take part. Also on the tour were a number of future owners awaiting delivery, in a variety of machinery that added to the flavour.

This year’s Ghost Squadron tour began in the city of Baden-Baden, Germany, with a route taking in the delights of the Black Forest region. The sight of 16 stunning Swedish supercars in convoy certainly made people look, and crowds gathered when the group stopped at towns along the route.

The even was also notable for the appearance of the two Agera Final Edition models, which herald the end of the production run of one of the most astonishing cars ever built.

Meet the Family

The Ghost Squadron tour is promoted by Koenigsegg as a great way for owners to meet others in the Koenigsegg family, and it is a social event of the highest order as well as a great way to enjoy their cars. Events are also built in to the tour – including go-karting and more – but it is the opportunity to drive a Koenigsegg among others from the factory – not something you get to do every day – that makes this a very special event.

The attention to detail Koenigsegg pays to giving back to its customers is evident in exciting events such as this, and we shall be talking more about the Ghost Squadron tour over the next couple of days.

Part 2 coming tomorrow!

Images Copyright of: Koenigsegg.